BEGIN:VCARD VERSION:3.0 PRODID:-//class_vCard from WhatsAPI//NONSGML Version 1//EN REV:2024-05-07 09:18:44 FN:GREEN'S RADIATOR SERVICES (PTY) LTD N:GREEN'S;RADIATOR;SERVICES;(PTY);LTD TITLE:13 Faraday St, Wemmer, Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa ADR;type=WORK:Faraday St;;;;;; EMAIL;type=INTERNET, TEL;type=WORK,voice:+27 11 334 3935 TEL;type=WORK,fax:+27 11 334 3726 GEO:-26.21272;28.04494 NOTE:Green�s Radiator Service was established in 1921 for the Manufacturing and Repairing of Radiators, Oil Coolers and Heat Exchangers, specializing in Heavy Duty and Mining Applications. Green�s Radiator�s was established by the late William Bertram Green, who actually manufactured his first Radiator assembly in 1936. Thereafter the company was owned and managed by the late Douglas Green and grandson Stephen Green. Green�s Radiator Service is South Africa�s oldest designer and manufacturer of complete Radiator Assemblies as original equipment as well as Radiator Cores for the replacement market. Our products are used in a wide range of applications including Earthmoving, Mining, Stationery Diesel Generator Sets, Surface and Underground Locomotives, Haul and Articulated Dump Trucks, and for all Industrial, Passenger and Commercial Vehicles. END:VCARD